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Saturday, May 14, 2011


The last eight months of my life have been spent away from my three sisters for the first time in my life.  This last week I got to spend some much needed quality time with one sister and am back home with another one for a few days.  The little time I have had with them the last few days has reminded me how lucky I am.  My family is growing and changing, and as hard as that is to take sometimes, it is a good thing.  So this post is dedicated to my sisters.

Rachel is the oldest and while I haven't seen her in over a year and a half, we are probably just as close, if not closer than we have ever been.  I can't wait for her to get home, then for me to get home so I can see her.  She is spending her time loving on people in another part of the world.  She is the person I always saw as perfect, she was good at everything, the first born, and had no problem tackling any problem sat in front of her.  And because she was so awesome, and because we are both a little stubborn, we pretty much always butted heads and I kind of hated her for a lot of my life.  But that is behind me now, and I am just grateful for having such an awesome role model in my life.  It is made better by the fact no matter what she can't get rid of me, she is stuck with me as my sister. 

Alana is between Rachel and I, more often than not she would be the peacemaker while we were growing up.  Alana has her niche in the world and it has allowed her to serve in many awesome places.  I have had the privilege to see her expand her ministry and learn to be content in where God has placed her.  I have watched her life change and seen her be granted dreams many thought impossible.  I have crashed at her house and been oh so thankful God has put her between my college home, and home home. Alana has been a great sister and amazing friend. 

Rachel and Alana where always great friends growing up I often felt left out.  As we got older I just accepted it and moved on.  Then one day I had this awesome thought when I was feeling like the third wheel, "Realized tonight that I might always be destined to be the third wheel, it might not always be a bad thing.  After all sometimes the third wheel is needed for added balance, security, stability, and perspective."  God has shown me so many things through life and I can honestly say many of them have come from my big sisters.  So even though it is sometimes hard to be the third daughter, it is all worth it in the end. 

Then there is my little sister Lydia.  My relationship with her is so different from that of Rachel and Alana, manly becuase she is younger than me.  The last few years I have been able to be close to Lydia, and then I moved to college and left her alone in a house full of boys.  Lydia reminds me to enjoy the simple things in life.  So often I get caught up in what has to be done, how much school I have to do, and then I get a homemade card from my little sister and I am reminded that there is more going on in the world than I am seeing.  Lydia loves me even when I don't want to talk to her.  She is always around and  I can't imagine my life without her.  

While it is a little strange to have three sisters so very different, I love them all and wouldn't trade them for the world.  I am so grateful I have learned to appreciate them.  For so long I wished them out of my life, but now, I wish we could be together more often.  My sisters are amazing.  Probably three of the most amazing people I know, and the best part is, I get to call them sis.