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Sunday, October 16, 2011


  light 1 |līt|
nounthe natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible
Such a short simple word.  But so often it provokes thoughts of other words.  Some that come to my mind.  God, healing, hope, love, faith, and most recently family.  
About a year ago I received an email from a wonderful family at the church I was attending at college.  Then nearly three months later, after many attempts, I finally had the blessing of meeting this wonderful family.  And my life has never been the same.  I now have a family to eat lunch with on Sunday.  Two people who can give me guidance and wisdom while my parents are hundreds of miles away.  Two little girls I can play with, and hopefully encourage as they grow up.    I have people who would help me when I needed it, that will go out of their way to help me.
Then when I returned to college after the summer this family gave me the opportunity to become part of another family.  This one being an adult Sunday School class I started attending.  I know they must wish that I was not there sometimes.  I can't imagine they are always overjoyed to have a 19 year old girl in their class.  But I have never felt anything but acceptance and love from everyone.
I have seen this class that is more like a family than a class go through life together.  I see them stand around and talk and drink coffee before Sunday School starts.  I watch them pour into each others lives.  I have seen them rejoice together.  I have seen them love each other.  I have seen them work together.  And most recently I have seen them mourn together.  
There is nothing that can pull people together or pull people apart faster than losing someone you love.  I have been blessed to see the people around me join together and support each other during this difficult time.  I have watched them move out to help others in our community while struggling with the hurt in their hearts.  Today I was privileged enough to work alongside them as we cleaned up a cemetery to make it clean and presentable.  We worked for hours in the dirt and sun to see an area transformed.  And knowing what these precious people are going through yet they can still go out and bless those around them is amazing to see.  
So now when I hear the word light, I see faces, faces of men and women who have given me the opportunity to learn from them.  Who have given me the blessing of being part of their lives.  Who have allowed me to intrude on their lives.  Men and women who even though they didn't know me from Adam a few months ago, have already poured so much love and encouragement into me.  
Thank you seems so inadequate.  But it is as good as I can do.  Thank you for letting me be part of your life.  Thank you for letting me see you love, and for letting me see you cry.  I will never be the same because of what you have done in my life.  And I am eternally grateful.  You are all in my prayers.  I love you. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I know it has been while since I updated and I am sorry.  And tonight I am not exactly sure what is going to come out.  

One of the things that has been frustrating me lately is basically life in general.  But more recently how so often life gets in the way of some of my passions.  I love Alaska, I think I will be going back over spring break to continue the relationships I have been blessed to start.  This last week a couple of my friends asked me about spring break.

They where both so excited to go.  I know God would use them both in such amazing ways.  They made my month when they asked me about it. To see someone else start to get what is going on up there and be excited about going, was the biggest blessing I have had in a long time.  

Then when they asked me how much it was going to cost.  I had to tell them.  And I watched their faces droop.  How they got depressed realizing how much they would have to give up to go.  Not only time, but money as well.  And how they might not be able to go because of the cost.  

I know God will provide, he always has, but right now I am just frustrated.  Honestly this has been hard for me.  It is part of the reason I haven't been sure about going myself.  

So I am done venting. And I guess I have to let it go and let God do His thing.  Something that is easier said than done right now.