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Thursday, January 19, 2012


I added two lists to the left side of my blog.  There is a bucket list of things I want to do before I die, and things I want to do this semester.  We will see how it goes.  As soon as I figure out how, I will change the color on the one's I have completed.  If anyone knows how, help is appreciated.  And the first number means I have done it that many times out of what the total should be.

The lists will most likely have things added to them.  I hope it will be a good way to keep me on track.  Accountability always seems to help.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


1 John 4:19 "We love, because He first loved us."

Disclaimer:  Just because I am writing this does not mean I have turned into some lovey dovey  mushy romantic girl.  On the contrary, I am the same girl I have always been, I have just been hit in the face with an appreciation for the way God has designed us to be in relationship with each other. And yes, flowers are still way overrated. 

I have seen several friends my age and that I grew up with get married in the past year or so. I am seeing many of my very close college friends that I do life with everyday start getting in relationships, often with each other. My family is expanding.  And I have been blessed to see numerous godly wonderful marriage relationships over the course of my life.  

God has begun to open my eyes to how he has created us to be in relationships with each other.  Both romantic and none romantic.  So often I give my friends a hard time about dating, and how I am the third wheel, ect. ect.  But I realized that I am super blessed to be where I am.  I get to see God work in their lives in an up close way.  I can see them make mistakes, and hopefully learn from them. So maybe I can make my own mistakes instead of repeating those from others.  

I don't know if or when God will open my heart to a guy.  Everyone around me seems to have more faith than me on the whole thing every happening.  What I do know is that if I meet the guy I am to marry tomorrow, if I have to wait for years to meet him, or if I never meet him.  God is there for me, he is my protector, lover, leader, and rock.  I don't need a guy, I do need a close underlie dependent on Him, relationship with my savior.  Until that occurs, I do not see myself walking through life with anyone other than him.

I am perfectly content, and happy in my life the way it is.  I am beginning to enjoy seeing friends go out with each other, that doesn't mean I won't still tease them about it every chance I get.  But I can enjoy it and learn from it.  And through patience and a lot of prayer maybe one day they will have a legitimate reason to tease me.  And until that day comes, it is my job to fall more and more in love with the one who will never let me down or disappoint me.