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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The little things

It is the little things in life that make everyday memorable, and at times even bearable.  Yesterday was a really rough one for me.  But throughout the day God opened my eyes to the little blessings.

  • Actually talking with a friend for a while as we pass on campus, instead of the usual hi or wave
  • The A-Whoop text message replay I get
  •  Being able to help someone else out 
  • Coffee with a friend
  • Sort of seeing a sunset
  • Talking with my mom
  • My sister texting me for no real reason. 
These are some of the gifts God gave me yesterday.  By focusing on the good, I am finding myself more productive, and better able to focus on all I have to do in the next three weeks.

Friday, February 24, 2012


In two weeks I will be back in Alaska. Nome specifically. But today after sorting out lots of paperwork and finding all the information need for my team, I became overwhelmed with a sense of dread almost.

This trip is turning out to be totally different than any other one I have been on. I find myself looking forward to seeing all the people I have built relationships with. The people who have become like family, those who have helped me learn and grow so much. But I seeing them should not be why I am going. I will have all of eternity to spend with them. What about those people I encounter who right now have no hope for the future? Have I been praying for them daily?

Yes, my heart breaks for them and I desperately want them to see the truth and healing that comes through Christ, but is that why I am going?  Is it because of Romans 10:14 "How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?" Am I going to be a voice of hope that they have not heard. Or will I get scared and revert back to what is comfortable for me?  And not step out of my comfort zone to be a tool of the Lord.  I don't know. Right now, I think of the ways I have thought of totally rearranging my life to be there more often and I still go back to what is my motive.

I don't have that answer yet.  Please be praying for me, a friend put Romans 1:12 at the end of a note she sent me "that is, that I may be encouraged together with you while among you, each of us by the other's faith, both yours and mine." This is my prayer that I can encourage them in their faith, and them me in mine.  I know the Lord will work no matter my motives, but I want to be right with Him every step of the way.  

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The little kids

This morning while I was doing my quit time it was talking about courtesy.  One of the questions it asked was to explain a time when courtesy made your life better.  The one instance that sticks out in my mind happened over Christmas break.  I should have written about this when it occurred.  But I didn't.

A few days before I left to come back to school Mom and Dad asked me to stay with the little kids while they went to Amarillo for the day.  It was a pretty normal day, cool and cloudy.  But as the day went on the temperature continued to drop.

We where getting ready to go into town to eat and go to church.  But when I looked outside it was blowing snow.  So I told Asher he needed to go get his lamb inside the trailer where she would be protected.  While I was in the bathroom getting ready to go I simply mentioned to Lydia "we need to make sure Asher gets water to his lamb."

When I walked back into the kitchen Lydia and Shep had a bucket in the sink and where filling it full of hot water.  I told them thank you and asked them why.  They told me I had said he needed to get water and they figured they could get it ready for him so he could just run it back out.

That moment was one of my proudest as a big sister.  I did not ask them to get the water ready they just saw a need and fulfilled it.  They weren't thinking about how they are not strong enough to get the bucket out of the sink, or how they might not even get told thank you.  It was the clearest, most amazing, showing of love I have seen in a long time.