Part 1:
This weekend was a new chapter for the Miller family. My older sister is now married. After months of planning, and over a year expecting it, the deed is done.
Months ago, this wedding loomed in front of me. Threatening the very foundation of my life. I have always hated change. It meant my security was gone. Everything that kept my world stable was rocked when change came to town.
This weeding was the biggest change to date. As long as we are all single, happy, independent, people leading our own lives, nothing would rock my foundation. But when I got the call a year and a half ago telling me my sister had a boyfriend, I wasn't really shocked. I was certain it would change my life forever.
Today I know my sister is married, I know that there is a man, now officially part of my family. A brother in law. I have a brother in law! Crazy.
I tried so hard to get used to our family changing. Desperate to be excited for this marriage. I am excited for my sister, but it is still weird. Give me a couple months and I will get used to this change. Just like I have every other one.
Part 2:
While I am adjusting to one change, I just well adjust to more than one. So to all the hot, kind, listening, wise, godly, spiritual males over the age of 27 applications are being accepted for dates with my older sister.
Warnings: Applying requires passing the sibling test. Which can be full of undisclosed questions, scenarios requiring quick thinking, and possibly road trips with potential in-laws.
But upon passing these tests, you are permitted to continue pursuing an amazing woman of God. A woman who has spent years of her life sacrificing to share God's love with those around the world. Every step of her life has been spent pursuing how best she can serve those around her.
Yes, she is crazy, and frustrating at times. But she's my sister and I want to see her loved and cherished by someone. Preferably a good one.
Disclaimer: I figured I have already dealt with one just well deal with another asap. After all I have the dress, shoes, and sore calves.