That night I did not remove my shoes. I had several good reasons. The pair I had on where not my favorite, or even shoes I liked all that much. But I immediately felt that I was to give away my boots. They are some of my favorite shoes, a gift from family, and a connection to Texas while I am in Oregon.
I didn't do it. I had many opportunities. I kept talking myself out of it. Saying I would give someone something over Christmas. Or saying I had done enough. After all I support missions, I bought Christmas presents for three children in Savoonga. I gave God a year of my life to serve in Oregon. But guess what? All my reason sucked. They where just excuses. And lame ones at that.
Over the last few weeks I have been reading Crazy Love. This book has made me stop and evaluate much of my life. The last chapter is what really got to me yesterday. Francis Chan challenged everyone reading his book to not just be convicted. If that is all we are getting out of church, his book, or our personal quite time, we are failing. Jesus doesn't want a world of convicted coach potatoes, he wants people radically loving as He loved.
So I finally broke down and knew I had to do what might hurt. I needed to give something away that tore at my heart so I would be able to be filled with Jesus. Last night I gave the boots away.
I'm not writing this to say look at what I did. If anything I want you to realize how dumb I am and not be like me. How could I think a pair of boots would offer me love and satisfaction than the creator of the universe. And guess what it wasn't that bad. Sure I will notice they are gone when I go home and just want to country dance in my boots. But guess what, my favorite part of dancing is time with friends and thankfully that is not dependent on my footwear. At least I hope not. And I can always borrow my little sisters boots for a day.
So here's my prayer for each of you reading this. During this season of giving, give where it hurts. Yours may not be shoes. It may be not saving that Christmas bonus, but giving it away. It may be spending Christmas away from family and instead with those who have no one. Maybe its blessing those around you anonymously. Whatever it is, give until it hurts. Just as the widow with two pennies did. God took care of her and I'm betting He hasn't changed in the last 2,000 years. Trust me it hurts, but its a good hurt. Like getting a massage, it hurts so good.