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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Happy Anniversary!!

Today is Dad and Mom's 29th anniversary. It's amazing the example they are, in marriage, parenting, and living for Christ. I am beyond blessed to call them Mom and Dad. 

One of the biggest ways they have been an example is in the way they raised us. While they have spent their life raising eight kids on a Texas panhandle farm, they impacted the whole world. 

They gave us the foundation to see the world through Christ's eyes. I cannot remember the first time I learned about missions and taking Jesus name to those who have not heard. I do remember the first mission trip we went on. I was about nine and our whole family went to serve in Knoxcity, Texas. 

That trip provided the foundation for my journey that God has only begun to reveal. As time passed I became more and more involved with missions. I am not the only one. All seven of my siblings have been on multiple mission trips. Even Nate, my seven year old little brother. 

It's crazy to think that my parents have been together longer than they have been apart. I am so grateful for the example I had in my home. It wasn't always easy. I know they had and have their struggles. 

To the outsider looking in they are just a couple Bible believers on a small farm in the Texas Panhandle. To many they are close friends and helpful neighbors. To me, they are an amazing support, even 5,000 miles away, they are the reason I can live in Alaska as a debt free productive member of society. 

Love you guys!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Interrupting Senator Cruz...

Sunday afternoon Aaron asked if I wanted to go to Palmer to see Ted Cruz and Dan Sullivan at a get out the vote rally. Since I had no other plans and it sounded fun I went to my first political rally.

It was an interesting experience to hear politicians speak. You want to believe all they are saying, yet at the same time you know they are politicians. Only time will tell us if they will follow through on their word. But I will say, out of all the people I have heard speak, I believe these two will work to honor what they promised.

As Senator Cruz was speaking he had many points, sanctity of life, second amendment freedoms, restoration of state's rights, and religious freedom. While speaking on how the government has encroached on religious freedoms he mentioned the subpoenas issued to pastors in Houston, Texas.

He said he felt like as a believer he needed to call his pastor and just set aside a time to pray. So he called his Pastor Gregg Matte from Houston's First Baptist Church. Pastor Matte is an Aggie who started Breakaway on campus at Texas A&M University. As he mentioned Pastor Matte and First Houston, Aaron and I both Whooped. It was a perfectly timed and placed Whoop. That was not planned.

Since it was  a relatively quite moment during his story, our reaction was loud and heard throughout the rally. We surprised Senator Cruz, he stopped and said he would have to let Pastor Matte know he got a Whoop from Alaska.
After the rally concluded we waited to speak to Senator Cruz and scored this awesome picture. As well as a shocked look when we invited him to dinner at Texas Roadhouse.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ferrying to Alaska

This post is four months late and for that I am very sorry. Driving my car onto a boat and being stuck there with one of my best friends for five days has been a highlight of my life.

Linzay and I on top of the space needle in Seattle

We started our journey in Seattle where I picked Linzay up from the airport. We experienced Seattle from the top of the space needle Friday night and Pikes Place Market Saturday morning.

 After we explored Seattle we drove to Bellingham and roasted in the sun waiting in line to load my car on the ferry. It was almost surreal realizing that at moment, there was no turning back. I was actually moving. Even now four months later it doesn’t completely feel real. 

Our days on the ferry where spent just having fun. We sat outside as we left Bellingham watching the scenery as we moved away from the US and into international waters. We watched the sunset over the water, one of the best parts of the day. It was a fun night.


The following days where much of the same, watching the scenery pass by as we talked about a million different things. No matter how many days we where on the boat I never tired of watching the water, wildlife, the mountains and the sky. God’s hand in creation was so obvious throughout the entire trip. I could see it all a hundred more times and never tire of seeing it.

Five days after getting on the boat, seeing Ketchikan, Junea, Yakitak and everything in between, we landed in Whittier and finished our trip with a short drive up to Anchorage. While I could write a book about my trip, and may consider it, I could not have done it without the amazing friend beside me Linzay.


Five days after getting on the boat we landed in Whittier and finished our trip with a short drive up to Anchorage. While I could write a book about my trip, and may consider it, I could not have done it without the amazing friend beside me Linzay. 

She is someone who no matter what the topic is she has wisdom, depth and love. From ministry, to community around you, to just making me laugh with her crazy awesomeness. You know that feeling when you try so hard to adequately explain someone or something that you completely miss the mark? That is what I am feeling trying to describe the blessing I have of calling Linzay a friend.

Though there have been times when we didn’t talk to each other much, yet I always knew that when I called she would be there for me. I am incredibly glad to have experienced this amazing trip with her. There are so many memories that will never be funny if I tell you, but I mention them to Linzay and we will both have an image in our head that will result in copious amounts of laughter. 

She is outstanding. I thank God for putting her in my life. Linzay I love you and hope one day I can be the incredible example to someone that you have been to me. 


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Aggie Ring Opening

I got on here with the thought of posting about my trip up to Alaska on the ferry from Washington. Who knows, maybe you will get two posts out of me today. But first I have to share about one of those random awesome moments God gives us.

This past Sunday Aaron Brown (Skilled Missions Operations Director) and I volunteered at the Iron Dog booth at the Oxygen and Octane show. We worked the booth, answered questions about merchandise pricing and random Iron Dog questions. One of those interactions speaks to how all of our life, everything we do, and all the challenges we face, God brings together for His glory.

Each year Iron Dog supports a charity with the proceeds of their raffle. This year the charity is the Armed Services YMCA of Alaska. Buddy Whitt is the Executive Director. I was talking with him about a few of the Iron Dog items when he asked me if the ring I had on was an Aggie ring.

Of course the answer is a resounding yes. He is a Fighting Texas Aggie class of 1998.That first question led us into a conversation about why I am in Alaska, what my purpose is and what we do as a ministry. The longer we talked the more we realized several similar goals. His family had worked with Samaritans Purse on construction projects, had discussed whether there where people meeting needs through construction and how they could serve through their gifts and talents. Many of which are construction oriented.

When our conversation ended I realized that the entire conversation, the way I got to meet another person who has a heart for people, and works to better those around him all came from the fact that morning I put on my Aggie ring.

If I had attended Oklahoma State like I wanted to, that conversation never would have occurred. If I had not spent many of my school breaks in Alaska, this conversation would not have occurred. If I had said no to moving to Alaska I would not have had the conversation.

Isn't it crazy how amazing our God is? How no matter how often we think our conversations and actions are our decision alone, God uses them for great and amazing things. When I get discouraged, in a rut, or just don't want to go on, God shows His mighty hand in the small significant ways.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Alaska Adventures

This summer has been so crazy and amazing in many different ways. I am sorry I have not kept you all up to date better. So here is my attempt to start updating everyone on my summer. I am going to work backwards. Starting with the latest adventure in Alaska all the way back to when I moved from Eugene to Anchorage. 

The nearly four weeks I have been in Alaska have been awesome, busy, crazy, interesting and completely new in so many ways. Living in Alaska is finally, slowly beginning to feel real. 

Since arriving in Alaska I have seen many prayers answered, added many new prayer requests to the list, and had many great adventures. I have been on several different hikes since arriving and those have been outstanding. I also had the opportunity to fly with a friend from church over the valley north of Anchorage and the Knik Glacier.

Working with Skilled Missions: Alaska has been great. Getting a schedule made and routine down has been a challenge. Yet, progress is being made. I am slowly getting involved with a church here. I am trying to slowly pick and choose when and what I will get involved in. I do not want to say yes to too many things then be overwhelmed with a crazy schedule. 

A huge prayer request was answered when I got a job teaching CPR. This job will allow me to make money with a flexible schedule. Because my boss is also my boss for Skilled Missions I also have his blessing to take off to do ministry when needed. 

This is my life. The crazy, awesome life I get because of the crazy awesome God I serve. Please keep praying for me as I seek to make my life a reflection of Christ. Pray for me as I need a clear schedule for my own sanity and in order to be efficient as possible in ministry. I am sure there are many other things I need prayer on, but right now I cannot remember any other specific requests.

Thank you for your prayers and support in this journey. It has been amazing, but not without it’s challenges. Stay tuned as I walk back through my summer. 

A few pictures from the hikes and plane ride I got to take. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Next Step

I am sitting here trying to figure out exactly how to explain and tell you what I am about to tell you. How do I tell everyone something most have already figured out? How do I say goodbye and hello all in the same statement? How do I do justice to both sides of my emotions and actions right now?

None of these questions are easy to answer. I could give you all the pat answers. The spiritual answers or make it all sound like an extremely high calling I am so blessed and lucky to fulfill. I could just say it and nothing else and let all of you jump to your own conclusions about why I am doing what I am.

While all of these are somewhat valid answers. When I think of using each one something seems unfulfilled. Like I am not telling you something vital to me and my story. Right now the only way I feel I can get as much of the story I know out there is to answer all, and possibly more, of these questions.

Please be patient as I, at least in some degree, process as I write.

In just over two weeks, June 21, I am boarding the M/V Kennicott in Bellingham, WA to move to Anchorage, AK. I will be working as the Communications Director for Skilled Missions (www.skilledmissions.org) While I cannot wait for this experience, especially the opportunity to enjoy this adventure with a great friend, it is a little scary to think of actually driving my car on a boat and really moving.

I will arrive in Anchorage June 26 where I will begin the second step of a crazy summer where I am traveling over 14,000 miles while never really leaving the United States. All in less than two months.

I could tell you the reason why is because I think it is where God wants me right now in life, which is true. I could tell you it is because I want to serve Jesus in a place I love, which is true. I could tell you it is a dream come true, which it is. I could tell you that while I may seem confident of my decision, which I am, I am also crazy scared, which I am. I could tell you it is because I want to do as much right now while I am single and childless as I can, which is true.

If you ask "are you moving because_____(fill in the blank) the answer is probably yes. So I can fish? Yes. So I can hunt? Yes. So I can pick berries and greens? Yes. So I will always (fingers crossed) have wild game to enjoy? Yes. So I can officially tell so many of my friends I beat them to Alaska? Yes. For a guy? Yes.

Now before everyone freaks out over the last one let me throw in a bit of theology. I believe Jesus came to earth and was fully human aka a guy. So I am not lying. But it is not a guy walking the earth right now. Not that I am against the possibility.

As I sit here writing about moving I get excited. I am so ready to get to work in Alaska. To finally be there. I have been asked for years when I am moving to Alaska and I finally have a date. I can't wait to get that Alaska DL, fishing license and pfd. I can't wait to see everyone, and not have to think about the time in mere days or weeks when I will be leaving. It is an awesome time in life.

But I am also thinking of the fact that in one week I will have to say goodbye to all the students I have had the amazing privilege of working beside this year. I will have to face the fact I will no longer spend my Tuesday nights entertained by some random conversation in my car. I will no longer have students making me laugh at the insanity of whatever conversation or activity they are partaking in. I will no longer be able to walk to the Moore's house to watch a movie or eat dinner with them.

Nine months of my life has been spent living and growing to love Eugene and the people here. When I think of leaving it hurts. It makes me question my decision to move. Knowing there is no one to come behind me and make what I have worked toward even better, is hard. Knowing it will be months, possibly years, before I see so many of the people I have grown to care deeply for, hurts.

Right now I am in the middle of two radically different emotions colliding towards each other. When they meet I'm not sure I will know exactly what to do. All I know is that no matter how crazy it seems it is right. I know this deep within my heart and soul. It is hard to explain, but I can already see how God is going before me in preparation for all that will come my way in the very near future.

Please pray for me as I continue on this adventure. While many of the little details have already worked themselves out, there are still some that need to work. Pray for wisdom for me as I make decisions. Pray for boldness in my final weeks in Eugene that above all I would share Jesus and all He has done for me. Pray for me to leave well. Pray for me to arrive well. And if you can't remember any of these, just pray for me.

Thank you to each of you who made it all the way through this post. Thank you for supporting me in this journey. I would be happy to answer any other questions you may have. If you would like to stay connected with what God is doing through Skilled Missions email me at sarahsakadventure@gmail.com and I will add you to my update list.

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 'The lord is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in Him.'"
Lamentations 3:22-24

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Praising and Mourning

As I sit outside on this beautiful day (slightly hot) reading James a few things stuck out to me. 

James 5:13-18 speaks of the power of prayer and how we should support one another through it. So many of my friends are going through very difficult health or family situations, sometimes both.

I was reminded to pray for those suffering, sing praises with those celebrating, and pray for the sick. It says the prayer of the faithful will save the sick and he will be forgiven any sins. 

I wrote the above Thursday May 1. I had no idea how much my world would be rocked the very next day. 

I wrote it thinking of Rodney, Libby and their girls. How I should be praying for them as they battle this cancer, while also in the middle of rejoicing for the girl they get to add to their family. 

The next morning I got a call from my mom that totally changed what I was thinking about those verses. Now I was praying for them as they mourn the loss of their husband and Dad. I am also rejoicing with them about thinking of Rodney in Heaven. 

I am praising the Lord for how Rodney changed lives. How each time he stood up to talk everyone laughed at least once. I am praising for how he refused to sit on the bench, he was out playing his heart out for Jesus every day. 

Yet I am mourning as well. I am mourning the fact I won't get a hug from him this summer, or get to tell him where God is taking me next. I am mourning the fact now no one will get to hear him calling Danny Thurman out from the pulpit about whatever came to mind that day. I am mourning the neighbor my grandparents lost. 

My story is just one of thousands that could be told about how Rodney Brewer impacted their life. Keep telling them! Use them to continue changing the world. Mourning is important, but praising is vital. I know that if Rodney could stand up and talk to all of us one more time he would tell us to go praise Jesus and change the world one person at a time. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Praying and Cattle Drives

On Good Friday our collegiate ministry participated in Secret Church with David Platt. This marathon night of teaching was awesome. David Platt said at the beginning that we would be drinking from a fire-hose. And he was totally accurate. It was great, but super overwhelming. I would recommend it to anyone. 

One of the things that really stuck out to me the whole night was when he was talking about prayer. How so often we may feel like we may be disturbing God with our prayers. Jesus talks about this in Luke 11 

Then He said to them, “Suppose one of you has a friend, and goes to him at midnight and says to him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine has come to me from a journey, and I have nothing to set before him’; and from inside he answers and says, ‘Do not bother me; the door has already been shut and my children and I are in bed; I cannot get up and give you anything.’ I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs."

David Platt talked about how God wants to hear from us and it isn't about bothering him, but more about allowing him to be a huge part of our life. As I was thinking about this and what it must have been for the man who's door was being knocked on at midnight, I remembered something that happened to me last summer. 

It's late June in the Texas Panhandle. Extremely hot an we were moving cattle. Since it was so hot we were doing it at night hoping that it would be easier in the slightly cooler weather. 

Here are a few pictures from that night. The sunsets where when we began and the last one shows us moving cattle. That's what it was like for us, we had very little light to see by. Which is a whole other story. 

As the night progressed we realized the cattle where overheating and bloating. We lost one and nearly lost a few others. When we were about half-way we knew we couldn't keep going. We were close to some friends house and ranch which is where the analogy begins. 

I went up to their door about 1 in the morning and knocked on the door to ask if we could put the cattle in their holding pens to let them rest for a few hours before we kept going. We knew we had to do something. I knocked and knocked and knocked and knocked. Finally they heard me. After being met at the door with a gun (I can check that off my bucket list) they realized it was me. I told them what was happening and of course they said we could leave the cattle there. 

Just as we knock at God's door through our prayers it isn't a disturbance when He wants to help us. Just as I knew our friends would help us. I know God will. I also know that had they found out later we needed to stop but where scared of asking they wouldn't want that. They understand what was happening and where happy to help. I just had to ask. Just as we just have to ask God. 

Remember that even when our prayers may seem like a disturbance, we serve a God who wants a relationship. Talking to Him is the only way that will begin to grow and deepen. Even through the seemingly little mundane things. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

I'm Sore

This morning I woke up extremely sore. Before I tell you why I'm sore, and more importantly why I am telling you all this, you have to promise me something. You can't laugh. Not even a little. Now since you have promised not to laugh at me, you may now proceed reading.

Back to my story. This morning I woke up sore. The reason I woke up sore was because last night I spent over two hours playing Hacky Sack with a few students. It was a great time of talking and playing.

It has been years since I have played Hacky Sack, if I ever did, which I learned last night is really called foot bag. It was fun, as the night progressed I got better and better, still not great but definitely saw improvement.

I spent those two hours talking and hanging out with two of the students I met over the last few months. We did not talk about anything terribly significant. We did not have a "spiritual" conversation. Half the time we weren't even talking, just playing.

But you know what? I would rank what happened last night as one of the most important things I could do ministry wise while serving in Oregon. Why would I say such a thing? How is it that playing a game for two hours is more important than leading someone to the Lord, or discipling Christians to go and make disciples? Because they are people. Not projects.

If I went into every interaction with non-believers with the agenda of convincing them to become Christians I would make them all into projects. No matter how hard I tried not to. If Jesus truly is my standard projects don't exist. He loved people where they where. He didn't push them to become more like him before He loved them. He didn't ask them to change before He loved them. He just loved them. Then this amazing thing happened, they loved Him.

Those two students I played Hacky Sack with may have learned absolutely nothing about "Christianity" last night. You know what they did learn? They learned I love them enough to play a game with them for two hours. A game they had to teach me. I love them enough to play, talk to them about their life, and not push an agenda down their throat while doing it.

I am a reflection of Jesus. By me loving them I am showing them He loves them. If they see how He loves them, maybe they will learn to love Him as well.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Countdown to...?

For the last four years this time has marked a special occasion in my heart, I have been approximately one month away from flying to Nome, Alaska. This year, I am not counting the days until a spring break trip to Nome.

As I sit on my couch, with snow on the ground outside and coffee in my hand, I remember all the wonderful memories that have occurred those four awesome weeks in Nome. The first time I stepped foot in Nome with my Dad right next to me. Meeting so many wonderful people, whose friendships I cherish to this day. It was the first of many times I have been asked when I am moving to Alaska. From that first trip, I knew Alaska was going to change my life and I couldn’t wait to return. I had no idea how much it would change my life, or how many times I would return over the next few years. 

Year two was my first attempt at trying to lead a team, and dealing with canceled flights. I took two amazing girls from my home church back my first year of college and again met so many new and amazing friends. I knew then that I would have the opportunity to spend my summer serving in the state I had grown to love and that I would continue to love more and more. I met people from Texas A&M who are some of my closest friends. And with the help of an awesome friend who took charge, everyone got home safely.

Year three was the time I felt a true and genuine connection to the people, community and volunteers in Nome. I worked in the Iditarod headquarters with the people who run the race. I heard stories from the trail while being in charge of making sure everyone that had to be at the finish line was there when a musher crossed. I was able to allow Cheryl and Candy the opportunity to leave the concession stand for a little while. 

Last year was the year when I was able to go beyond the boundaries of Nome. I traveled to a village to help put on a basketball show for the community. I grew even closer to the people I have worked with for four years. I had the blessing of helping provide locals with items that are not available in Nome. Figuring out how to cook and freeze crawfish was certainly an experience I will never forget. 

Each year brought a new and unique experience to my time serving. Each year I returned built on the previous years, pulling me more and more to a state I love so much. Who knows what the future holds, but I know my past. It has changed and shaped me in ways I never imagined. To all of those who I have worked with over the last few years, keep up the good work. I will miss you all terribly, but I know there is a reason I cannot be there this year. 

Here are a few pictures from all my Nome Spring Break trips. 

Year 1

Year 2 

Year 3 


Year 4