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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Prayer, Birthday, Life, Dreams

This weekend has been full of fun, laughter, learning, conviction, and so much more.  Friday I turned 19, my day was a little weird for me when I think about past birthdays.  I have all these memories of past birthdays, my seventh birthday when everything went wrong.  The last several years where I have spent it either getting ready for or right after stock show.  Last year when I turned 18 and I spent my day thinking I would show for the last time the next day, but instead had one of the biggest blizzards Perryton has seen in years.  A day where I missed seeing the women who has been my go to "mom" since I moved to College Station because of the snow.  Where I didn't get to tell her I was accepted into Texas A&M University, a day where neither one of my big sisters where even on the same continent as me.

And two days ago, I had another birthday to remember.  A birthday where even though I had to do homework for part of the day, the first people I saw where the ones who threw me a birthday party yesterday.  The ones who I can go to with joy, tears, hurt, and pain.  Where the first people I talked to where my big sisters, both of who are once again on two other continents.  A day where I was mysteriously called by a guy to later learn that his amazing family is so awesome they got me a cookie cake. I had blueberry pancakes for lunch, then I sat in math class.  Everywhere I turned people wished me happy birthday, either in person or on Facebook. The day where I learned my younger siblings did awesome at stock show.  A day that ended with me in a car with the two most amazing BSM interns in the state.  Then just as it rolled into the day after my birthday, I was in a conversation with the most important person in my life.  Every second of my birthday was spent felling loved and cherished.

More to come later, on Abide and what I learned there.

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