The staff of Iron Dog works all year to make this ten day event a success. I was given the privilege of seeing and experience the inner workings, and yes even frustrations, of this outstanding organization.
Skilled Missions and Alaska Missions have been volunteering with Iron Dog for four years. It has been a slow process, but the family of Iron Dog has come to appreciate the service we give.
This year many conversations where had about where our joy and servant attitude came from. The only answer is Jesus. Some do not understand this, and that is ok. The goal of continuing to serve is to be a light and a reflection of Jesus.
I cannot sit here and say that I was a perfect example of Christ all week. On the contrary, I struggled with being tired, having a bad attitude, or speaking in hurtful ways to those around me. Each of these are things I am trying to work through. But they are not easy. It is hard to wake up after a long day of working hard and a short night to work hard again. It isn't fun to smile, say yes and being ready to serve in whatever way possible.
It is amazing how an intentional week of serving does shines light on my shortcomings and reveals ways I need to grow in Christ. That is my new, and old, challenge. Let go of my old self and put on the new self I am in Christ. Be praying for me as this has been clear over the last few days, yet my flesh still tries to get me to revert back to my old ways.
There are so many great memories from the last two weeks. Many I am hoping to share with you over the next few days. This was a fantastic time of service and fun! The staff and volunteers are great to work with, it is always fun and everyone has a great attitude.
Just a few snapshots of our time. As I write more I will add more specific pictures. I hope you enjoy them!
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