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Sunday, August 28, 2011

1 Thessalonians 2:8

One of the things we did last weekend during the Baptist Student Ministries Leadership Retreat was, a memorization and meditation time.  They had several cards with verses laying out, one of the verses they had was 1 Thessalonians 2:8  “We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.”  As soon as I saw it I knew it was the verse I wanted to work on.  
As I sat on the couch reading over this verse, I thought back to my summer in Alaska.  This verse describes our team from this summer to a “t.”  I wrote a little in my journal.  “1 Thessalonians 2:8-This verse jumped out at me.  It spoke what I feel in my heart so well.  Not only am I delighted to share the gospel with the people of Alaska, but my life too.  What makes me laugh, what makes me  cry, what hurts, what comforts, where I grew up, who my family is.  Everything about me is theirs to know because I love them so much.”  
I don’t care if it hurts me to share, if it helps one person, then it is worth all the pain.  I had the privilege to share with one person this summer some of my life experiences.  While it hurt to share them, I know it helped, and that was all that mattered.  If sharing the mistakes I have made can help one person get through what I have gone through, or better yet, keep them from making the same mistakes.  It is worth all the pain and heartache I might feel while sharing them.  The people of Alaska have become so dear to me not only will I share with them, but I want to share with them.  I love when God speaks to me through His word.  And I really love it when a verse both encourages and challenges me all at the same time.  So that was my cool moment of the weekend, besides getting back to school and all the great people here. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The last ten weeks of my life, I have been in Alaska.  I left my family, to travel thousands of miles away, to work with a wonderful team who became my family.  Everyday I missed my seven siblings, parents, grandparents, and countless friends.  And everyday I grew closer to the three guys and five girls on my team.  I also had a mother aka Coach Crim, and two other moms, a dad, and  a wonderful aunt.  So today i wanted to say a little about them.  Most of you won't know who I am talking about, but that really doesn't matter.  It matters that I say what they did for me, how they helped me, and how much I love them.

So to start, Brenda Crim, Coach Crim, Mama Crim, guide, counselor, friend.  From the time she forgot us at the airport, to the time she sent us all home even though she asked us not to go.  Loving in confrontation, open with praise and encouragement.  She helped me grow she old me things I needed to hear, but certainly didn't want to hear.  Then helped pray me through applying them in my life.

Cheryl Teal, the only person to make me cry when I left.  The person who gave me perspective on the hard days.  Love everyday.  Encouragement when I needed it most.  The woman who loves through every piece of her being.  Who would die for anyone and stops at nothing to see the vision she has for her and her family, and through God's help she has done it.

Ms. Debbie, the wonderful women who was always there for us.  Would drive us around, make us food.  Encourage us, and offer great godly advice.

Aaron, this guy was my team leader.  He confronted me at the beginning of our trip and asked me to be willing to change and grow.  From that day on I knew I could trust him.  I continued to get more advice, both serious, and sometimes almost comical but good anyway.  Then he got hurt and we had to start counting the days until he would leave.  When he did I realized how much he had become a part of my life.

Bryant, the one thing out of my large family I don't have is a big brother.  The first time I met Bryant I remember simply thinking that he was a great guy.  Then a few days later he, along with the other two guys on my team, stepped into protector role for me.  Bryant, more than the others.  He showed he loved me in ways that where much harder for me to accept than normal.  He forced me allow someone into a part of my life, that no one has been into.  This amazing guy, that has been through so much in life, is stepping out to boldly proclaim his life for Christ.

Cody, the biggest teddy bear on our team.  A huge guy, yet so calm, quiet, and compassionate that he couldn't hurt a bug.  I got to witness him transform into a man searching for God's will in his life.  It was a privilege to watch him grow and mature over the summer.

Daniel, the turkey who had the gall to beat me back to Alaska, then not leave when he was supposed too!  But through the summer I realized how much he has helped me.  He is the one would look me in the eye and tell me what I needed to hear to grow in Christ.  He is the one who sat me down in the barn and told me I was doing a great job, when I felt like a failure for messing everything up.  The guy I can talk about anything with and who I know will be there for me.

Whitney, the one and only person who I can honestly blame for so many of the challenges I faced throughout the summer.  She prayed for me and goodness knows I need it.  Whit is the person who would look at me and we could calm each other.  Sometimes me helping her, but more often than not, her helping me.

Brittany, to watch this girl with children is amazing.  She has no shortage of songs, skits, and crafts to help minister to and encourage kids.  She challenged and encouraged me to be more like Christ.  In everything I do.

Katelyn, the poor longhorn amongst all of us overbearing aggies.  Her famous quote of "make good life choices"  was often heard, and sometimes I was smart enough to listen to her.  The quiet, yet so wise in all her advice.  She was always there for me, so often it was hard to listen.  Yet she kept trying.

Jackie, this always smiling, always happy, always ready to give anything needed to help out her team.  There was never a day when Jackie couldn't make all of us smile and laugh.  She is the one who was 100% open and honest.  She didn't hide, never tried to change her past.  Just accepted it and asked us to see her as she is, not who she was.

Mia, quiet Mia from East Texas, calm always ready to offer a hug and encouraging word.  She would sit beside me and offer a silent encouragement.  Never pushy just available to hear what ever I needed to say.