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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Make Disciples

What makes a good disciple? What makes a good disciple maker? Those are two questions many in the Christian community ask themselves and those around them. I don't have the perfect answer, or the checklist of what makes or breaks disciples. But one thing I have heard from numerous different people about disciple making seems accurate.

It goes something like this, "A good disciple maker is not know by how many people they are discipling, how awesome and up to date their curriculum is, but by whether their disciples go out and make their own disciples." The mission of the church, I believe, should be to raise up disciples that make disciples.

I am not one of those people. I have never really discipled, mentored or whatevered anyone. But I know someone who has. They have fulfilled that purpose of raising up disciples that go and disciple others.

That someone is Kimberly. This amazing young women I met just over three years ago. At that time in my life I was a freshman at Texas A&M. New in town, I knew no one except this girl named Kimberly who was an Intern at the BSM and someone I met two weeks before at a conference in New Mexico.

Right after school started I walked into her office and handed her a letter asking her how she would feel about mentoring me. I  knew I needed someone to come beside me and help me through this time of deciding who I was going to be in life. And I also knew I would probably chicken out while asking. Thus the letter. It forced my hand.

From that moment on, I had someone in my corner. Someone who cared about me and loved me, even when I was being difficult. We would hang out and talk about life, relationships, Jesus. It didn't really matter what I needed or where I was at in life, I knew she would listen.

The spring of 2012 was supposed to be the last time I would be in the same town as Kimberly for the foreseeable future. I was crushed, this woman who had become a confident and amazing friend was leaving. And I was still going to be in College Station for at least another year.

But God works in mysterious ways. She went back to school to get her masters degree at Texas A&M and was there for my final year. Over the course of the three years of knowing her our friendship has grown and changed. I never would have imagined the blessing she is in my life.

Kimberly is an amazing disciple maker. How do I know? Because she helped shape me. I have not discipled someone to the point of themselves making disciples, but she has. I am now in a position of working with college students and disciple girls. I have no idea what I am doing or how it will turn out. But I had an awesome teacher!

My life would look nothing like it does without the influence of Kimberly. I miss being able to crash her house, talk into the night or simply be together. She is amazing and I love her and all she does for the kingdom of Christ. Can't wait to see her soon!

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